Assessment activity | Description | Example | Comment |
Cloze test | Students complete a text with every nth word blanked out. | Test reading comprehension and knowledge of grammar and lexis. | May be difficult to mark , as gaps may allow more than one answer. |
Gap-fill | Students complete a text with selected words blanked out. | Test knowledge of grammar and/or lexis. | Teacher has control over which items are tested. Marking may be difficult as gaps might allow more than one answer. |
Reordering jumbled senteces | Students put sentences in a logical order. | Test grammatical knoledge, cohesion, and awareness of collocation. | Objective task-type, easy to mark |
Proofreading | Students correct mistakes in a text. | Assesses learners' awareness of error. | Encorages learners to find and check the errors in their own writing. |
Multiple choice questions | Choice one answer from a list of choices. | Can test kwoledge of grammar, lexis, or other features of language and comprehension of written or spoken text. | Objective assessment with single correct answer, and therefore easy to answer. |
Sequencing | Text or pictures. | Tests comprehension of written or spoken text. | Good for testing understanding and production of narrative. Easy to mark. |
Dictation | Students write a text after listening the teacher distation. | Test a wide range of language knowledge. | A realistic task, but difficult to mark. |
Spratt, M., Pulverness, A., & Williams, M. (2012). The TKT Course Modules 1,2 and 3 (2nd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press.