21 May

           Writing is an important skill that students should train to develop it. According (Brown, 2000) states that “Writing is the process of thinking, drafting, revising, and editing.” In this way, students convey information on topics of intrinsic interest. Learning writing is to learn how to generate insights, use discourse markers, and appropriate grammar to produce a final product. Thus, students should have the enough time to write and discover what they want to say into words, use the correct structure and organization.  Furthermore, teachers are the facilitators, instructor, motivator in the writing guidelines.

Thinking: It is also called brainstorming because in this stage the teacher with the students choose a topic and start developing some ideas for planning the structure of the writing. In this step students can write their ideas in an outline or chart depending their preference for note-taking.

Drafting: This is the first writing or the first piece of writing that can be changed to get better. It is like an squeme of what people want to transmit.

Revising: It could be done in pairs to correct and improve the content. However, if the student is working alone, she or he should focus in the diferent aspects to correct  errors and mistakes to enhance the text.

Editing: After, realizing the aspect that need correction, students editite and read a second time to make sure that every detail is correct and well-organized.

Techniques for improving your writing

  • Focusing on the main idea, solicit and utilize feedback
  • Students should follow the correct stages in the process of composing
  • In pairs use the technique “reading aloud” to correct mistakes and add new ideas
  • Provide authentic writing
  • Encourage students to read, skim, and brainstorm.


   Anon (2020). Retrieved 23 May 2020, from https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/Documents/college-artslaw/cels/essays/languageteaching/M1ElsaFernandaGonzalez.pdf

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