30 May

Realia is important to teach English because students catch the information better if the language is explained with picture, objects or other things that students feel, smell, and touch. Realia is important specially to teach vocabulary, prompts, and grammatical structures. The main advantage of using real objects in the classroom is to make the learning experience more memorable for the learner. Moreover, realia reinforces language skills and appeals to both visual and kinesthetic learners of all ages.  

There are different kind of Realia that can be used in class:

1.   Flashcards

This type of realia is good to teach vocabulary and prompts 

2. Puppets

Pupperts are a good resources for children because they love to play with toys, so that it is for practising dialogues between pairs, groups or the teacher.

3. Charts

Charts are drawings or graphics that are stuck on the wall. It is adequated for a large class because they are usuall big. Finally, charts are adequated according to any topic and level. 


Budden, J. (2016). Realia. TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC. https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/realia-0  [9 July, 2020] 

5 Fun Ways to Use Realia in Your Classroom. (2020, 15 mayo). BridgeUniverse. https://bridge.edu/tefl/blog/use-realia-esl-classroom/ [ 9 July, 2020] 

Yılmaz, S. (2012, 21 marzo). Realia. Slideshare. https://es.slideshare.net/sebahaty/realia-12093389  [9 July, 2020]

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