30 May

In this section, there will be some steps or recommendations to follow in other to apply activities and use materials in your classroom. 

a. Look up for materials, electronic devices or other elements that you can get easily in the school. 

b. Supplementary activities are not use with the coursebook at the same time. Consider what material will replace a part of the coursebook. 

c. It is more relevant to use authentic material, this is a way to challenge students. Remember not to give them neither a very difficult task nor an easy task. The level will be appropriate.  

d. Be careful with the instructions and materials you prepare. It depends on the skills you want to include in the lesson plan. 

e. Materials can be adapted to different levels, skills and learning styles. 

f. Students are accustomed to use methodologies in a coursebook. However, it is important to take care about intructions you give if you use materials and activities because there is needed procedures. 



Using materials in the classroom. (2017, 2 december). Humanity Development Library 2.0. http://www.nzdl.org/gsdlmod?e=d-00000-00---off-0hdl--00-0----0-10-0---0---0direct-10---4-------0-1l--11-en-50---20-help---00-0-1-00-0--4----0-0-11-10-0utfZz-8-10&cl=CL1.17&d=HASHb9f615ec43596a18a63e4e.4.9.4>=1#:%7E:text=Several%20types%20of%20instructional%20aids,interesting%20curriculum%2C%20spiced%20with%20variety. [2020, 9 july] 

 Simpson, C. G., McBride, R., Spencer, V. G., Lowdermilk, J., & Lynch, S. (2009). Assistive technology: Supporting learners in inclusive classrooms. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 45(4), 172–175.  [2020,9 july]

Deborah L. Voltz,  Sims M., &  Nelson B. (2015, 11 marzo). Supporting the Classroom with Materials for Instruction. ascd.org. http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/109011/chapters/Supporting-the-Classroom-with-Materials-for-Instruction.aspx  [2020, 9 july]

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