30 May

Classroom functions are the ones that both teachers and students would like to accomplish in each lesson. There are a variety of functions that can be applied in the class. For example, functions start from instructing and explaining. 

Moreover, some important characteristics, such as, purpose of the lesson, aims, learning contexts,  and activities depend on the age and level of the students. On the other hand, classroom functions for teacher could be to apply the activities correctly or to go from one stage to other of the lesson plan in the most organized form. In this way, the language context, function and situation are appropriately taught, not to be too hard or too easy for learners. 


Using language appropriately for a range of classroom functions. ( june 7, 2020). TKT Cambridge. https://www.tktcambridge.com/module-three/language-for-a-range-of-classroom-functions/#:%7E:text=The%20teachers%20and%20students%20use,are%20known%20as%20classroom%20functions.&text=Classroom%20functions%20for%20teachers%20could,to%20explain%20the%20learning%20points. [july 26, 2020]

Wavebreak. (2018). Teacher asking a question to her class at the elementary school [Fotografía]. Dissolve. https://dissolve.com/stock-photo/Teacher-asking-question-class-elementary-royalty-free-image/131-577886 [july 26, 2020] 


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