30 May

1. The language used in the class must be taught according to the students' level and age.  It means that the topics, tasks, homework have to me suitable for students' abilities and knowledge. In this way, they learn appropriately without giving them easy tasks but at the same time challenging them to discover something new. 

2. Language must be organized and written in order. The teacher will know what to do, what instructions will be given to students, what language will be taught, what activities will be done and using the appropriate time for each stage. In this way, teachers will give an effective class without improvising. 

3. Instruction stage is important because learners will not be lost in each stage and they are going to understand what to do for each task. 

4. Finally, chunks are good to use in the classroom from the easiest one. For example, 'Read the instruction' 'Open your book on page...' because they become familiar with this types of chunks and they will understand better. However, once they undestad the exponents, the teacher can proceed to use more difficult chunks and suit them to the students' level and they can be exposed to a wide range of language using the functional exponents. 


Using language appropriately for a range of classroom functions. ( june 7, 2020). TKT Cambridge. https://www.tktcambridge.com/module-three/language-for-a-range-of-classroom-functions/#:%7E:text=The%20teachers%20and%20students%20use,are%20known%20as%20classroom%20functions.&text=Classroom%20functions%20for%20teachers%20could,to%20explain%20the%20learning%20points. [july 26, 2020]

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